Thursday 29 October 2009

Anchor Text Used Properly

Make sure that you use the anchor text properly.  Anchor text is the well know text that you will start to use with additional websites that will help link visitors back to your blog posts, websites, or blog. 

One of the most popular and commonly use anchor text that almost everyone uses is the “click here.”  So, if you have even been on  a website and notice that the word “click here” and it is generally a different color than the other text that is an anchor text that is going to direct you to another website or page once you click on it!   When trying to drive in the visitor this is not the best verbiage to use in anchor text with the search engines.

Avoiding Posting Those Broken Links

Do you keep noticing that your links have become broken up whenever they are being posted?

You will to always be sure that all the links that you are posting are actually a working link.   It is really aggravating when you are visiting someone else’s website or even blog and they are offering additional links to some information that you might be interested in view and you click on the link and it does not work.   I do not know if it is just me or not, but I get very upset and considered it a waste of my time when this happens. 

So, before you start advertising and promoting visitors to check out those links be sure that they are working, if not then you will want to be sure and fix them as soon as possible!

Check Out What Google Sand Boxes Mean!

When we are talking about Google page rankings and you are trying to promote your website to try to drive in all that visitors  you will want to make sure that you understand all the specifics.   When using link exchange directories they generally are all linked to Google.  Therefore, you will want to be sure that you are not using the same anchor texts and descriptions when you are submitting your website.  When Google begins to notice that there is a a large amount of back links that have the same anchor text and descriptions there is a major chance that your website just might get sand boxed! 

A Google sand box is known as a feature that Google does not trust your website.  They tend to consider it a spam.   You will want to make sure that you are proving that while you are trying to promote your site that you are offering spammed links.  So be sure that all you post vary with different anchor text and descriptions in various link directories!

Google’s Page Rankings…

Have the best website on the Internet is one thing; however, without having anyone visit your wonderful website does not get it noticed.  One of the most important ways to start climbing the ladder with Google’s page rankings and bring in those visitors is to make sure that you are collecting all those back links.  

One of the greatest ways to get all those back links that will help your website out is to start submitting your site to all those link exchange directories that you come across.  Be sure that you do not do it the wrong way because that could harm your website instead of helping to promote it.   The most common mistake that people come across when they submit their website to all those link exchange directories is using the same site descriptions and also the same anchor texts.  Google sees it all so if you are submitting to numerous directories they will think that it is spam!

Friday 23 October 2009

Internal Linking With SEO

With internal linking there is not just one important elements that you will want to include such as a clean link that will relate page to pages, but you will want to also include the sitemap.  Your website will need to be programmed so all your pages will be linked to the others.  Be sure that you do this easy step so that all the search engines will be able to creep throughout your website.  However, if you are the owner of a blog and have 500+ posts, then this might not be very practical, so just include the one that are very important.

Create your sitemap for your website will also help the search engines out.  The html page that has links is one of the best ways to create your sitemap.

Wednesday 21 October 2009

SEO Talk

There have been a lot of people talking about search engine optimization.  For over the last several years one of the primary components with the on-page optimization has become the usage of keywords.  You will want to be sure that your search engine optimization website is mainly centered around two of the main features which are:  links and keywords. 

Keyword and link based optimization will every become fail us.  We rely on these elements for our websites content to be analyzed with.   We might all begin to notice that they keywords one day might start to diminish the importance of them due to the quality of the contents; however, I do not think they will ever disappear!

In 2035 Will SEO Still Exist?

For over the past 10 years now search engine optimization has became very steady.  However, there is no guarantee that everything will continue to remain the same just like everything else in our economy.   Things change all the time on the World Wide Web, you might notice a major development that appears on morning and then overnight there is something else that changes.  This is how some webmasters tend to approach their search engine optimization websites.  We could all be surprised thou and everything could continue going the way that it is right now forever.  No one really knows what the future holds!

Friday 16 October 2009

Learn the Basics and Watch your Page Rank Skyrocket

Your page ranking can skyrocket by just following my juicy tips which have been tested to work effectively

Do you know selling an item on ebay can indirectly improve your search engine optimisation and improve page ranking? If an item is sold as a charity aunction, You can get links back to your ebay aunction and hitherto your website

Have you considered placing proper adverts in required sections at craiglist? It has been proven that this method is very beneficial for traffic generation and SEO. Also posting adverts in city that are densely populated will enhance traffic

Are you good at graphics design? Then creating a screensaver can be beneficial for your company and website. The Company logo can also be placed on the screen saver and this is useful for branding purposes

Your Popularity can be improved if you offer excellent customer service support. This can act like a spider and generate traffic for your website

Everyone likes freebies. Offering of free stuffs for your users may just do the trick and you can get alot of subscribers from this singular act. Try this method today.

Use of Yahoo Answers is getting much attention. You can answer peoples question on Yahoo and place relevant links to your website.If your answers are helpful, You can generate traffic and improve your Page Rank

Use of Hubpage and a suidoo lens should also not be ignored since they allow users to generate traffic through RSS feeds

Thursday 15 October 2009

Google The Most Valuable Search Engine For SEO

When it comes to your website ranking on the search engines be sure that you are not stressing yourself to death about MSN or Yahoo rankings; however, Google is the most important one! 

Google helps to keep its website maintained and a majority of people in the World Wide Web will begin searching with this search engine.  Also, if you notice that your website is ranking within Google. then it is more than likely that you are ranking with the other engines too. 

With Google make sure to focus mainly on the results on the first page.  So, Google is the most important search engine!

Wednesday 14 October 2009


Whether you believe it or not doesn't matter. If you possess a great degree of organic traffic then you site will rank better than one with lesser degree. Therefore focusing on traffic generation can be an indirect approach towards Search Engine Optimization

Article marketing is one of the approaches being employed and its significance cannot be over-emphasized. Writing qualitative, error free articles will bring targetted traffic to your website

You can share your online presence with the world through forum marketing. The more useful your posts are, the more you get known. Incariably the link in your signature file would help generate traffic

Site exchanges is also useful these days where you find websites that share common keywords in a related niche and share links. The search engine rates these links than a backlink in an unrelated website

Free classified ads had ebing employed in the past although its isgnificance is gradually winding away. It could also be used to generate traffic and hitherto aid Search Engine Optimization.

Are Link Exchanges Viable?

Are Link Exchanges viable?, I have heard this question over and over again. I will like to pull the plug once and for all. I am an advocate of link exchange so far it is skillfully and legitmately.

How do you go about this?, There are several websites that offer link exchange services so you could get hold of one of them and register.

After Registration, You will be provided with websites that match your sites on Keywords. Based on Personal experience, You will be provided with a couple of them. What I do is to contact websites in my particular niche that rank higher than mine.

We agree on areas where we want to share links and around a particular keyword. You will definitely get improved and higher page ranking using this method


For the existence of a counterfeit, Then the original must lie somewhere. We have been writing on Search Engine Optimization and various methods in which your blog can be optimized to improve its page ranking and organic or algorithmic traffic.

We talked about the use of keyword as a viable means to improve optimization. But I must also bring to your knowledge "SPAMDEXING". This is a common black hat SEO that is getting wide popularity in internet marketing.

Methods such as Keyword stuffing, link words, article spinning e.t.c are used to stuff websites and dilute contents making it difficult for Search Engines to rank websites properly.

Search Engines are getting aware of this norm and have devised means of identifying those sites for potential blacklisting

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Photo Website With Basic SEO

Now you are probably starting to get clueless as to what I am going to talk about… yes, that is right PHOTO websites with SEO!

Optimizing the photography websites for all those search engines and help to maintain your position within the search engines could help you out for long periods.  Just sit back and think to yourself just how much value is given within the Google’s first page of search results that you could be promoted through!  Millions of people that are looking to become potential clients would be able to see your search results for free.  Be sure that you take into consideration that your competition have to pay for all the banner ads or yellow page ads. 

SEO Profits?

You may not know this, but there are several handy search engine optimization techniques that can help you to maximize a profit that will be able to keep you within your budget!   However, you will want to make sure that you keep this most important face about search engine optimization on your mind, that excellent results do not just happen overnight it will take some time for your desires to yield the results!   Also, if you are considering hiring a SEO company that has the knowledge to get you where you want to be then make sure that you choose the best one that is willing to get the job completed for you!   It is very true that reaching the top of the food chain to see the results does take time; however, once you have reached that position, you are generally there to stay!

Will SEO Help Survive This Global Recession?

There are several gloomy recession shadows that are still hovering all over the globe, and several business are trying to look around them and spot new strategies that will help their business become seal proofed from the recession.  Numerous financial institutions and banks have began to to go under all around the world.  It has become really bad that even the common men have began to notice the changes.   

For all the business that are thriving, they have become a little more cautious and also started discovering additional ways to market their business and not spend a lot of money while doing it.  Therefore, search engine optimization has started playing a major roll with marketing their services or products!

The Importance of SEO tools

The Importance of Search Engine Optimisation tools cannot be over-emphasized as they indeed make the job easier and help improve page ranking. You would need them stepwisely as you go through your SEO campaign.

Yahoo search rankings, Alexa Page rankings and Google rankings are very important ranking tools that should be given full attention.

Regular check of your page ranking is also required for you to know the level of work needed to be done.There are a couple of Page Rank Tools out there

Keyword suggestion tool is also very important and I would definitely recommend Google adwords.IP address report checks for duplicate subnet Ip addresses keeping your blog error free.

Others include but not limited to Back link Check tool, Cache.IT and more importantly Copyscape.The use of copyscape is highly recommend to check for people that have copied your website content.

The Relevance of Specific Keyword Phrases

A keyword is the crux of a search engine optimization research. It is usually the field that a user is interested in getting more information about. Keyword analysing and marketing is getting complex nowadays so you would need to be technologically equipped and move with the trend in order to optimize search engine searches.

You should select a primary keyword that gives a summary of your blog. There are so many tools that can serve this purpose even though it is getting increasingly difficult to rank high with competitive keywords.

I would recommend the use of secondary keywords since users paraphrase their search especially if they donot find the information they seek. Therefore the use of phrases relating to keyword would go a long way in improving your page ranking and search engine optimization


I have heard so many arguments for and against the use of multiple domain names. What do I mean? How does it work? SEO Experts (although some) believe that purchasing multiple domain names and pointing them to a specific domain name would improve Search Engine Optimisation.

I can confidently say (based on my years of experience) that this method doesn't work and can be detrimental to your page ranking. Invariably, you end up confusing the rank engines and you get the reward for it.

I would definitely recommend use of various blogs for specific niche as against use of multiple domains as long as the blogs are not for the sole benefit of linking themselves and contain individual and unique content.


A popular saying goes thus "A Tree cannot make a forest". Thesame goes with Search Engine Optimisation. At this stage, I will like to recommend the services of a Professional SEO copy writer to help boost content.

Whilst searching for one, Common sense would lead you to select those with websites that rank high but research has shown the opposite. The truth is that most successful SEO are always busy writing content for clients, developing SEO techniques and usually have little or no time for their personal blog.

Furthermore, some clients wouldn't give writer permission to share their information as part of a writer's work experience. It therefore takes more than page rankings or other factors to select an SEO writer.

Monday 12 October 2009

Can You do what it takes to rank No.1.

The Reason you would want your search to be well optimised is so that you can rank better in search engine results and if possibly become number one in a keyword search.

You definitely need to identify the keyword or keywords you are willing to rank higher in. Do a search of such keyword (Google preferably) and find out where you rank.The results will show the level of work needed to be done. For instance, getting to #1 from #5 is easier from #20.

Also, identify the sites or blog that rank high in the keyword and simply do more than the site is doing. Getting some qualitative backlink from such sites or blog would be really helpful.

In addition, Writing keyword content with reference to those sites, blogs or commercial websites would greatly improve your ranking and might just be the stepping stone required.

Informative & Keyword Rich Content

Is your blog content rich in information? For you to be successful online or for your blog to be adequately optimised then you need to provide keyword rich, informative and possibly UNIQUE information for your subscribers.

Making your content keyword rich with high density is vital for effective optimisation of your blog.There is no shortcut to this so you must be able to provide rich and resourceful information to your readers.

This is hitherto the most difficult and most important part for Search Engine Optimisation. As a blogger, You need to be able to write unique content daily thereby improving your search engine ranking and thus generating traffic.

Appropriate Use of keyword Meta Tag

What is keyword Meta tag? The Keyword Meta Tag simply give more information about your website to the search engine. Search Engines usually go through this Tag to get more information about yout website.

The Keyword Meta Tag is simply a good place to include all related keywords of that particular page.It is however important not to include so many unrelated keywords as this might inturn lead to spamming and your website may likely get banned.

The use of appropriate and descriptive keywords as used in Description Tag may just be the difference between your blog and another thus improving your Search Engine Optimisation and ranking.

Does Your Blog have a description Tag?

Last week, I wrote about the importance of a keyword rich page title. Today I am writing about the description Tag.Most people and professional bloggers do not practice this and inturn have themselves to blame especially if their pages are not properly optimised or if they don't show up properly on search engines.

It is imperative that your blog possess a description tag. I am not of the opinion that you should stuff with it unnecessary and elaborate words. The description should be rich in keyword and accurately give added information about the page.

Using a keyword rich description tag would improve your blog rankings and allow for proper optimisation of your blog or website. You can try this out and see the result.

Friday 9 October 2009


You are either enticed or turned off when you see the title of a movie. In other words the title of the movie gives a summary of the movie and also affects its box office ranking and sales. No matter how interesting a movie is, if the title isn't rich in content, it wouldn't pull any viewer.

Thesame goes for the pages of your blog. It has been said time and time again that a blog needs to be rich in keywords for it to be well optimized. It is also important to use keywords as the title tag of the webpage and more importantly because the title is what shows up in search engine results. Most writers make this mistake or rather do not use this and as such do not get the desired result

Thursday 8 October 2009


This is the most important single detail that needs unparallelled attention for your website is to be Search Engine friendly and well optimised. Most people involved in Online marketing do not pay due attention to this and so pay dearly for such mistakes.

For your website to be optimised, you need to identify the best targeted keywords that describe your website. These keywords in turn describe your site to search Engines and therefore making it targetable. This could just be the difference between tens and hundreds of organic traffic. You sure might want to revisit this issue.

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Blogger Vs Wordpress for SEO Optimization

I am sure you have heard so many stories and theories of one better than the other. Some say blogger because its a family of google and so automatically aids search engine optimization but I am sorry to disappoint you and go against common opinions

I would go with a wordpress blog due to some reasons. It has loads of massive networking and customization capabilities. The plug-ins are also second to none in the industry. It could even be hosted on your server with minimal uploading required, What more could you have asked for? I even heard you can make a post via email, This I believe would come in handy to aid search engine optimization

Tuesday 6 October 2009

CSS vs. Tables in SEO

Several CSS designers will argue with you that when you are designing your web pages that it is better for search engine optimization to use CSS versus tables.  I personally have not ever noticed that this is true or that is the worst thing ever either.

If you are designing your website with tables or CSS it is totally up to you about your personal style and preferences.  I believe that it also depends on your website.  CSS and tables have disadvantages and advantages.  However, I have noticed that both have had top rankings.  It is totally up to you how you want your website.

Contents Is The King, Does That Mean That SEOs Are The Jokers?

Contents is the king is what everyone states.  Yes, contents is one of the most important features within search engine optimization.  In fact, if you did not have the contents then you would not have a website.  You might think that you have the best contents that is on the Internet, but if you do not have an readers, then it is worthless!

Some people think that since the contents is classified as the king, then the distribution would be an ace!  Meaning that the keywords would be the distribution.  Therefore, that leaves search engine optimization to be the joker!

Successful Online Business With SEO

To have a successful online business, you will want to make sure that you have a strategic plan that will cover all the business approaches. 

Your integrated strategic plan should include:

  • Products planning, which should include pricing and sourcing meaning that you will want to have the right products for the right price and time.
  • Website design needs to be user friendly: Customers at times want to be able to speed throughout sites.
  • Website that is user friendly for search engines:  This is one of the hardest features is to make sure that your website design does not distract your users.
  • Website design that can be conversion friendly.
  • Search engine optimization:  Being search engine friendly is just the beginning of your website. 
  • Social media marketing:  The social media market has begin to explode.

Areas On Website To Optimize

Now that you have begin to start working on your website, below are some important areas that you will want to be sure and optimize on every page of your website:

  • Title Tags
  • Content
  • Meta Keywords
  • Meta Tag Descriptions
  • URL Structures
  • Internal Link Structures
  • Alt-Tags
  • Images
  • Verified Codes
  • XML Sitemap

This is the best way to perform search engine optimization on your website.  Just try to keep it all natural and do not overdo it.  Contents is the most important area on your website that you will want to be sure that you optimize!  Putting your keywords in the appropriate will help your site also!

Page Anchors A Valuable SEO Tool?

One of the most useful features when trying to create a better web pages I use page anchors.  Thanks to some of the recent changes to Google, page anchors has helped to increase my search engine visibility and search engine optimization.

Me personally I think that it is an awesome development.  The only thing that you will have to do is create a useful page anchor that will allow your website to have page anchors appear within SERPs so that you will be able to add a linkable table of content to every page.  The table of content will act like a easy navigation menu. 

Will Search Engine Optimization Ever Lose Its Effectiveness?

That is the most silliest question I have ever heard of.  Talking about link baiting, that is known as search engine optimization right?  However, there are basics for that question.  As we all know that there is other sources like video marketing or social medias that are rising.  So does that mean spam is also?  Just like myself no one likes spam.  Therefore, back to my question will search engine optimization be effective within the next couple of years or will something else take its place?  The World Wide Web is always making dramatic changes so does that mean that search engine optimization will make the changes also?

Is Inappropriate Contents Good For SEO?

So the question is, “Is inappropriate contents or offensive speech good or your search engine optimization?”  Unfortunately, being exposed on the Internet you are able to draw lots of attention through links with the unacceptable and offensive behaviors.  Some of these links could potentially benefit or harm you.  You would not want to go around stating that someone needs to be assassinated, you would draw yourself a lot of attention but at the same time you would be finding yourself in a lot of trouble.  So just remember that you will want to think before you leap.  Even thou you might have the technological capability that doesn’t mean that you should participate and do it!

SEO a Target?

One of the key features for anyone that is in the marketing business whether it is offline or online, their purpose is to find the most demands for their services and products that they are offering.  So, is search engine optimization the best targeting feature to reach out within the market?

I believe that the answer to that is a definite “YES!”  Of course, we know that a search relies on the input of keywords or phrases that they are searching for before they can find what your website is offering.  In the market today it is a pull not push market. 

A pull market helps to pull the clients to you websites!

Is SEO Competitive?

I have been asked before if SEO is really competitive in today’s society.  Check it out for yourself, go to, in the search box type in any word that you want to search for.  Once you have done that then look in the upper right hand corner of the screen right up above a sponsored link.   You will notice a line that states “1 of 20 of approximately __________ for (the keyword you choose)”. 

So what does the numbers say?  This is the number of websites that use that keyword that you have entered within Google’s search box.  That is amazing at how big the number is huh?

Therefore, does that mean that they are all competitors?  My answer would be that they probably aren’t.

Monday 5 October 2009

No Duplicating Contents

Writing an original article then submitting it to all these websites can tend to be overwhelming at times.  If you submit an articles to a website and it gets rejected do not get down and out submit it to another website.  So one will accept and publish it eventually.  You will also notice that you will get a link back to your very own website.  However, do not duplicate the contents.

Below is 3 tips to keep in mind to assure that this strategy will work:

  1. Do not submit PLR, nor rewrites to another site; be sure that they are 100% yours.
  2. Make sure that you once submit the article to one website at a time.  It can not be accepted by two different websites.
  3. Be sure that you add a link of your website within the articles.

Duplicating Contents

Are you concerned about all the duplicating contents that your efforts with the search engine optimization, then there is a marketing strategy that you will want to adopt within no time.  If you are consistent with this marketing strategy then you will not have to worry about duplicated contents.  Never, ever, again!  It is known as the article marketing.

We are not talking about all these traditional article markets that tend to rely on all the mass productions that tend to run into the problem of millions of articles appearing on several different sites.  However, there is another article market that will not let any of this happen.  The market that I am speaking about is the one where you write your very own and no one else should have it on their website besides you!

CUIL… A System For SEO

Throughout other information on websites, blogs, and forums, I have begin to notice some awesome tips with the page ranking tips and formulas for the CUIL system. 

CUIL, a search engine that has recently been launched has a new ranking methods and is somewhat difficult column system.   You will notice that the rankings are in two to three different columns.  To get top rankings on CUIL just search for CUIL optimization. 

CUIL is well known to give out the first priority to the rankings of new contents and websites that are greatly optimized.  This is wonderful news for those people that are optimizer.  They are able to get top rankings within the CUIL ranking pages.  This system is very sensitive.

Spam, Spam, and More Spam

The spam situation in today’s society has officially become out of control!  On the World Wide Web there is not any filters out there that can guarantee that I will get all the messages that I am waiting for throughout all the garbage that I receive. 

Sometimes even during the holidays I received over 250 spam mails throughout the day about support and sales emails.  One of the best solutions to try to stop it is to have the sender verify that they are the real person during the first email. 

I’ve tried the Spam Arrest software on my email and I a white list that has all my contacts on it.  So lets see if this really will help to reduce all the spam.

Time Spent On SEO…

I have been asked before if I should spend all my time on the search engine optimization or reputation management.  I responded to them that a good search engine optimization is the reputation management.

If you work at it right then you will automatically build a reputation.  Using social media, search engines, and other types of online market tools help to maintain a positive reputation. 

As long as you use search engine optimization on your blog or website correctly then you should not have a problem.  Management of your reputation is all by nature, so focus on your brand and keywords

PDF File That Are Optimized

Search engines are always updating their indexes and page rankings on websites.  One of the newest developments with search engine optimization is the ability to browse throughout the PDF files.  This is meaning that webmasters will have the ability to optimize throughout your PDF files. 

However, you have to be qualified.  Your PDFs cannot be on your server under a secure folders. You would optimize your PDFs just like HTML pages, without the codes.

This all means that you will optimize your PDF texts through your keywords that are in your titles, headlines, subheads, or the keywords that are scattered throughout your documents.